Morvern Graham is an multi-award winning visual designer and storyteller, currently living and working in Scotland. Her work seeks to bring visual and aural storytelling practices back into our busy, modern day lives. Championing the use of purposeful, traditional crafts within her illustration and printmaking, Morvern’s work is closely connected to the themes of nature, heritage and folklore.

Morvern’s insightful and dynamic approach to design has won her recognition with the Macmillan Awards for Illustration, the AOI and the Paolozzi Art Prize.

My story as a creative begins with a young girl, in a pink dress and wellie boots, walking down a muddy hill to leave a gifts for the faeries, who I believed lived in an old tree at the bottom of my grandmothers garden.

Growing up in Scotland, I was raised on the tales of creatures and spirits which populated the forests and mountains of my home; selkies, faeries, kelpies and tree spirits. Soon, these characters began to populate my mind, and they’ve never really left. My introduction to folklore at a young age brought me an appreciation of verbal storytelling, and gave me the early skills to bring something invisible to life.

My mission is to get people to rediscover the joyful feeling of being the listener of a great story; a feeling which we too often associate with childhood and leave behind when we grow up. I’m always seeking to tell a story; whether it’s through playful and dynamic design, or engaging visual communication.


Interested in working together? I’d love to hear from you.

You can get in touch by filling out this form, or send me an email.